
Early Stage Parkinson’s Clinical Trials Are Important For Finding Effective Treatments For Parkinson’s

If you're in the early stages of Parkinson's disease, you might want to think about participating in a clinical trial. Parkinson's is a progressive condition that's likely to get worse over time. Researchers are working on ways to slow, stop, or reverse the progression so you can maintain your quality of life for longer. A clinical trial might benefit you in the present and help others in the future. Here are things to know about participating in a clinical trial. Read More 

4 Main Reasons To Try Group Exercise Classes Today

When it comes to exercising, it's often difficult for people to do it on their own. One thing that prevents people from exercising is a lack of motivation or simply not knowing where to start. Another obstacle that many people face is understanding what exercise they should be doing instead of just sticking with what is easiest for them. Thus, it's advisable to consider group exercise classes. Why Are Group Exercise Classes Essential? Read More 

Top Reasons To Consider Using Telehealth For Prep Medication

If you are interested in beginning with taking PrEP medication, you might be wondering about the best way to get a prescription and to get started with taking the medication. You might not even be totally sure of whether or not you want to take the medication. It might be a good idea for you to consider telehealth for PrEP medication since this is an option that has many benefits, including the ones listed here. Read More 

FAQs About Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is a common procedure that doctors perform to reduce belly size significantly. Doctors usually perform this procedure on obese individuals. If you're considering sleeve gastrectomy, you need to understand essential aspects of the surgery. Here are FAQs that provide various insights on sleeve gastrectomy. What Does Sleeve Gastrectomy Entail? Sleeve gastrectomy entails making a small cut on the stomach. The doctors place a tube from the mouth to the stomach and decompress the stomach completely. Read More 

Getting the Lactation Support You Need as a New Mom

In the United States, just 13% of infants are exclusively breastfed through their first 6 months of life. While breastfeeding is a personal choice, many women that stop nursing do so because they have difficulty producing milk consistently. If you need help with this, you can find lactation support from local professionals while making some changes that will assist you. Consider the tips below so that you can get the most out of your breastfeeding ability during this special time in your life. Read More 

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