
Deciding If Blended Vision Lasik Is The Answer For You

Although it may not give you perfect vision, blended vision Lasik surgery is a vision-correcting laser procedure that can improve the quality of your eyesight. Harvard Health reports that about 75 percent of people achieve 20/20 or better vision following laser refractive eye surgery. Yet whether you are seeking vision correction for nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, it takes time to adjust to blended vision, and not everyone can do it.

Understanding How Lasik Surgery Works

Similar to farsightedness, presbyopia, which also causes difficulty seeing objects close up, is an age-related vision problem. While Lasik surgery can't prevent presbyopia, it can help to improve your vision. If you have presbyopia and need reading glasses, as long as you have no problems with your distance vision, your eye surgeon will only have to treat one eye.

Often, as you age, it becomes harder for your eyes to change focus between near and far objects. As the lens of the eye loses elasticity, vision begins to blur. With Lasik surgery, the ophthalmologist can make your weaker eye a bit nearsighted, or shortsighted, which will improve your closeup vision. As part of the evaluation process, the surgeon will need to determine which is your stronger, or dominant eye, and which is your weaker, or non-dominant eye.

Following corrective eye surgery using the blended vision method, you will use your dominant eye for distance vision and your non-dominant eye to see what's near. For some eye problems, it may be necessary to treat both eyes. In that case, your eye surgeon will treat one eye for distance vision and your other eye for closeup vision.

Considering the Adjustment Phase

Blended vision Lasik surgery isn't for everyone. Although the brain generally adjusts quickly to blending the two visions together, not everyone adapts easily to their two eyes focusing at different distances. It can take some getting used to, so people who have a more difficult time than others adjusting to the change have to stay with it longer.

If you aren't sure you will be able to make the adjustment, your eye surgeon may let you wear a special pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses that simulate the effect. This can help give you a better idea before deciding on surgery if blended vision will work for you.

Knowing the Potential Risks

Although success rates associated with Lasik surgery are high, it's still a surgical procedure that comes with the risk of complications. Problems with night vision are a common complaint following Lasik surgery. You may also experience decreased depth perception, especially if there's a big difference in how much correction each eye needs.

Following Lasik surgery, you can experience halos, starbursts, double vision, dry eye, or glare at night. You may be more prone to these side effects if the pupils of your eyes tend to become large in dim light. Usually, they are temporary and will disappear within a few months. However, you may need to continue wearing eyeglasses for driving at night or if you do a lot of reading. Talk to your local eye doctor, such as, for more information.

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