
B12 Vitamin Injections Deliver Super Powers To Bodybuilders

Bodybuilding is a combination of packing on mass and defining your muscles. Despite diligently lifting heavy and light weights and eating a good diet, achieving your goals might remain elusive. To overcome a plateau, injecting B12 might provide a means of attaining further muscle building gains. B12 is a performance enhancing vitamin that allows you to increase your effort in the gym and achieve desired results. Injecting B12 enhances the absorption of the vitamin into the bloodstream, which further maximizes the mass-building benefits a bodybuilder seeks. 

Maximize Workout Effort

Both power and endurance are greatly increased through vitamin B12 injections. Please be aware, vitamin injections are nothing like injecting steroids or growth hormones as these injections do not involve taking illegal drugs or synthetic substances. Really, you are taking the same vitamins you would had you purchased them in traditional capsule form.

The capsule form of B12 might not be fully absorbed by the metabolism meaning the supplements do not maximize power and endurance levels. Injections, from companies like Metabolix Wellness, directly into the bloodstream maximize absorption and delivers solid strength and endurance enhancements.

Mass Boosting and Definition Enhancing

Why is the power and endurance boosting associated with B12 injections so necessary?

In terms of building muscle mass, training sets to failure is extremely helpful. Boosting your "power levels" during mass building sessions raises the threshold for failure. You might be able to lift heavy weights longer as a result. 

Definition is achieved through cardio work and lifting light weights for high reps. Spending a half hour on an exercise bike, another half hour on the treadmill, and then 45 minutes lifting weights certainly requires solid endurance. The endurance boosting benefits of B12 help anyone motivated to work hard in the gym avoid tiring out too soon and quitting while performing advanced workouts.

The Supersetting Example

Supersetting entails performing three or more exercises, one exercise after the other, without any rest. Then, a lengthier rest is taken and the superset repeats. The following is an example of an advanced superset for someone looking to dramatically boost mass:

  • 8 - 10 Reps of Front Military Presses
  • 8 - 12 Reps of Incline Bench Presses
  • 8 - 10 Reps of Rear Military Presses

Take one minute of rest and then repeat once or twice more. 

Vitamin injections could help make higher intensity workouts such as these easier to perform. Once again, this is because B12 dramatically enhances power and endurance levels.

Never Over-Train

A few words of caution must be mentioned. Do not try to use the vitamin injections as an excuse to train too hard, too often. Doing so will undo any gains you make since the risk of injury increases as does the potential for mental and physical burnout.

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