
Two Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnancy And Yeast Infections

Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting and frightening experiences in a woman's life, but during pregnancy, there are numerous changes to the body that can make it more susceptible to developing a couple of problems. In particular, yeast infections are a common problem for pregnant women, but if you have never experienced this problem, you may have a couple of questions that you need addressed. 

Why Are Pregnant Women More Susceptible To Yeast Infections?

During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen in a woman's body dramatically increases. When this happens, it can cause numerous other chemical changes in the body, and one of these effects may be an alteration in the acid composition of the vagina. 

The vagina contains a multitude of bacteria, and much of this bacteria is beneficial to a woman's health. However, if the acid levels in this area of the body change, it can cause the careful balance of bacteria to be thrown out of alignment. This results in an explosion of the population of yeast, and the resulting infection can be remarkably unpleasant. While this can be an extremely inconvenient problem to experience, it is a common side effect of pregnancy, and it will generally pose no risk. 

How Is This Problem Treated?

For women that are not pregnant, there are a variety of treatment options available that can be purchased from the local convenience store or pharmacy. However, pregnancy can greatly complicate this treatment process because many of the chemicals found in over the counter products can be harmful to the developing baby. 

As a result of this threat, you should immediately seek treatment from your doctor when you first develop the itching and burning symptoms of this condition. By seeking treatment early, you can significantly reduce the amount of time that will be needed to treat the condition. For most women, it may be possible to fight off the infection with a prescription ointment that will restore the balance of bacteria in the vagina. However, if this is not an option for whatever reason, the body will naturally restore its equilibrium, and the symptoms will fade. 

A yeast infection can be a painful and irritating problem to experience. Unfortunately, pregnant women are far more likely to develop this problem, and they may not understand why this happens or how to treat it. After learning the answers to these two questions, you will have a stronger understanding about this routine issue. For more information, contact a clinic such as Women's Healthcare of Illinois.

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