
Tips To Help You Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Your eyesight is extremely important to your well-being and your happiness. You want to be sure you do all you can to keep your eyes as healthy as you can for as long as possible. Many people don't think they have much control over the health of their eyes, but there are actually a lot of things you can do to keep your eyes in better shape. Follow the tips below to know you're doing what you can to treat your eyes well.

Eat foods that are good for your eyes

Most people have heard that eating carrots is good for their vision. What you may not have heard is there are also many other foods that help with vision and some of these include kale, spinach, strawberries, grapefruit and nuts.

Watch your weight

Getting to an unhealthy weight can increase your chances of suffering from conditions known to cause eye problems. Diabetes is one example of a condition you're more likely to develop if you're overweight that can lead to eye problems such as glaucoma or diabetic eye disease.

Rest your eyes properly

If you're on the computer a lot during the day, or you read a lot, you want to be sure you give your eyes a break, When you're staring at something you won't blink as much as you should and you're eyes will get fatigued. A good thing to do if you're staring at something for a long time is to look away every few minutes and stare at something across the room for a few moments.

Wear sunglasses outside

Not only do sunglasses look good and make driving more comfortable, but they are actually important due to their ability to block out the UV rays. When you're looking to purchase sunglasses, you want to look for ones capable of blocking at least 99% of UV A and B rays.

Don't smoke

Smoking cigarettes is bad for your eyes and should be avoided. If you don't smoke then don't start and if you are a smoker, you should quit. Cigarettes can increase your chances of developing cataracts, experiencing macular degeneration and suffering optic nerve damage.

Visit the ophthalmologist

You want to go to the ophthalmologist to have a proper eye examination, even if you think your eyes are fine. They will examine your eyes and rule out or diagnose conditions you may need to be treated for. This can help you keep your eyes healthier for many years to come.

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