
What Can You Do To Increase Your Odds Of Conception?

If you're just starting down the road toward conceiving your first child, you're likely both nervous and excited for the once-in-a-lifetime journey ahead of you. You may also be concerned about the unknown. What if you have trouble conceiving? How do you know when there is a problem? Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help boost your odds of natural conception without impacting your lifestyle or requiring you to undergo expensive testing. Read on for three ways you can help increase your odds of conceiving on the first (or second, or third) try.

  • Look into technological assistance

If you haven't been diagnosed with any conditions that could interfere with your reproductive health, that's good news -- it means that you're likely to be able to get pregnant on your own, without any medical intervention. However, this doesn't mean you can't be assisted by one of the number of software programs or phone apps designed to help track your fertile times and recommend the best days for you and your partner to try to conceive.

Most of these programs will ask you to input information like height, weight, and the dates of your last period. They will then calculate your approximate ovulation date and ask you for physical symptoms you might be experiencing as you approach ovulation and menstruation. For women with fairly regular menstrual cycles, these apps can be helpful in pinpointing ovulation (and therefore letting you know the optimal days to try to conceive).

  • Change your diet

Some studies have shown a correlation between certain foods and ovulatory disorders -- so adding some foods to your diet and decreasing others (like trans fats) may help improve your chances of conception.

You'll want to add in high-fat dairy products -- if you normally avoid dairy or drink only skim milk, you may want to switch to whole or add in a full-fat yogurt to your daily diet. And if you're a red meat fanatic, you may want to cut back. By getting most of your daily protein through beans, legumes, or nuts, you can cut your risk of ovulatory disorders in half.

  • Look into acupuncture or chiropractic treatment

Although it's unclear exactly why acupuncture can be successful in treating mild or moderate infertility problems, it is true -- fertility-targeted acupuncture can help improve blood flow to the ovaries and other reproductive organs.

Chiropractic treatment can have similar effects. By making small adjustments to your spine and pelvis, a chiropractor can help improve the communication within your nervous system, particularly between your reproductive organs and your lower spinal cord. Both chiropractic treatment and acupuncture can help increase the chance that you'll get pregnant soon after you begin trying. To find out more, speak with a company like Abortion Care.

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