
Two Signs That You May Be Allergic To A Food Item

It can be difficult to determine whether or not you are allergic to a particular food item.  You may have been enjoying the food for your entire life, without understanding that the symptoms which seem normal to you are actually an indication that you have a food allergy that is affecting your body in an adverse manner.  Rather than continuing to deal with the affects of an unknown food allergy, use this information to learn more about the warning signs of a food allergy so you can know what foods to avoid.

You Experience Abdominal Pain After Eating

One of the most common symptoms of a food allergy is abdominal pain after eating.  This sign is easy to overlook because you may think that you simply ate too much food and are just dealing with a full belly.  However, you may actually have a food allergy that you are unaware of.

For example, if you are allergic to milk, you may experience coughing, wheezing or abdominal cramps after you have ingested milk.  If you've dealt with this your entire life, it can be easy to just assume that you are lactose intolerant.  While it is true that you may be lactose intolerant, you could actually be allergic to milk.  In this case, continuing to drink milk could result in a dangerous case of analphylaxis, which is a life-threatening reaction that can be extremely frightening.

The best way to determine if you are allergic to a food is to see an allergy physician.  Allergists administer a battery of tests so they can find out what foods your body cannot handle.  You may be surprised to find that foods which you have eaten your entire life are actually responsible for some of the more unpleasant side effects that you have had to deal with.

Brain "Fog" Can Sometimes Be Attributed To Food Allergy

Another effect that can be attributed to a food allergy is brain "fog."  This is the condition where you have a difficult time thinking clearly, and find that you are indecisive or a bit sluggish when it comes to thinking things through.

While you may believe that your brain fog is something that is just a part of who you are, it could be a symptom of a food allergy.  Consulting with an allergy physician is the best way for you to clear up any questions concerning whether or not your brain fog is  just a part of who your are, or is a sign that you have a food allergy.

You don't have to live your life with an un-diagnosed food allergy.  If you are dealing with any of these symptoms, consult with an allergist, like Bouboulis Denis A, right away so you can get the help that you deserve.

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