
3 Things You May Need To Change If You Want To Reduce Your Back Pain

If you're one of the many people in the world who suffer with chronic back pain, you might be tired of being in pain so often. However, you may not be aware of the things you are doing that may be contributing to your discomfort. Here are behavioral changes you might need to make if you want to reduce your back pain.

Get More Sleep

In one study, 53% of those with chronic back pain also have insomnia. Getting more sleep is vital if you want your back to start feeling better; lack of sleep encourages an inflammatory state in the body which can make things feel worse for you if you're already suffering with muscle inflammation and pain in your back. Work on heading to sleep at the same time each night and sleeping as much as you can. You might even want to talk to your doctor about medication that can help you get the sleep you need.

It is also important to remember to sleep in a position that will help your back instead of causing it more pain. If you are a side sleeper, sleep with a pillow between your legs. This allows your back to remain straight as you sleep and helps keep additional pressure off your back. If you lay on your stomach, put a pillow under your lower abdomen to prevent back strain. Do you sleep on your back? In that case, consider putting a pillow under your knees.

Stop Smoking

Not only does smoking harm your lungs, it can also be terrible for your back. In fact, smokers are about three times more likely to develop back pain as those who do not smoke. Making every effort to cut down on smoking and eventually eliminate it from your life can be helpful in easing your back pain.

Lose Weight

If you are carrying extra weight on your body, that can cause strain and undue pressure on your back, joints and muscles. If you lose some weight, you relieve pressure on your back and you may find you feel better.

To lose weight, you probably already know you should stop eating junk food and foods high in simple sugars. However, it's also important to watch out for hidden sugars in so-called healthy foods and beverages as well. For instance, you may give up soda for fruit juice, without realizing that juice can be very high in sugar too. Stick with a diet that is packed with green vegetables, lean meats and whole grains to give yourself a diet that encourages weight loss.

Use the information in this article to help you make changes that can improve how your back feels. For more assistance with the pain you're experiencing, talk to a chiropractor who can offer you more solutions to help ease your back pain over time.

To learn more, contact a chiropractic clinic like Hidden Valley Chiropractic

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