
What Are The Alternatives When Your Baby Is Allergic To Cow Milk?

If your baby has cow's milk allergy, then you are probably concerned about your baby eating. Cow's milk allergy is an unusual reaction by your immune system to the protein found in cow's milk. An allergic reaction may cause your baby to have diarrhea, bloody stools, abdominal pain or vomiting. If you want to prevent your child from experiencing these symptoms, then you need to remove cow's milk protein from his or her diet. Read on to find formula alternatives for this type of allergy.


Breast milk provides your child with the best nutrition. However, you will have to eliminate cow's milk protein from your diet. You can pass cow's milk protein through breast milk to your child. It is important to stay on this diet until your baby has stopped breastfeeding.

Extensively Hydrolysed Formulas

An extensively hydrolysed formula is a hypoallergenic formula that is designed for babies with cow's milk allergy. It contains cow's milk protein that has been thoroughly broken down, which makes the formula less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Milk protein starts out as a chain of proteins. 

This chain of proteins is broken into several different pieces, which gives you smaller pieces. The smaller pieces of protein are what you find in extensively hydrolysed formulas. It is harder for your baby's system to detect the smaller pieces of cow's milk protein. 

Amino Acid-Based Formulas

An amino acid-based formula is an alternative to the extensively hydrolyzed formula. It is made from pure amino acids, which are organic compounds that combine together to form proteins. This means that the proteins are in their simplest form, which makes it easier for your baby to digest.

An amino acid-based formula also offers complete nutrition for your child. This formula is less likely to cause an allergic reaction because of not having any milk proteins.

Most parents are concerned when their child has this allergy. It is common to worry about your child not getting enough nutrition. Your baby needs vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fats. These nutrients provide your baby with the necessary support for development and growth.

If you are concerned about choosing the right formula for your child, then you should stress these concerns to a doctor (such as Alidina Laila MD). Your doctor can help with choosing the right formula. It could take trial and error before finding the right one. However, you can find the best alternative for cow's milk allergy under the care of your doctor.

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