When Your Food-Related Discomfort Is More Than A Fluke: Signs To Watch For
When you go out to eat or eat a home-cooked meal, there is always a chance (however small) that you will experience a reaction to it. The reaction could be due to a virus, under-cooking, stress, over-eating, or any number of routine issues. However, there are times when your food-related discomfort is more than just a one-time fluke. There are times when the issue is due to allergies. Food allergies can cause various symptoms and may worsen over time or even develop seemingly out of nowhere. Get to know some of the signs that you have an undiagnosed food allergy so that you can get to an allergy specialist for treatment and assistance as soon as possible if you experience them.
Stomach Pain and/or Diarrhea Every Time You Eat A Certain Food
One of the most commonly missed signs of an allergic reaction to a food is stomach pain and/or diarrhea. This is because most people assume that any stomach upset and discomfort they feel is attributable to some type of illness, food poisoning, or other one-time issue.
Additionally, many people forget what they ate that caused them stomach upset. So, the next time they eat the same food and have the same issue, they may not notice the link between occurrences. For your own benefit, you should try to keep what you ate in mind when you have a stomach ache or diarrhea and if the same thing happens when you eat it again, consider getting tested for food allergies.
Cough or Itching in Mouth or Throat
Another sign that many people miss when it comes to food allergies is coughing and itching in the mouth and throat. Again, these symptoms are often associated with other issues making it difficult for people to recognize the possibility of a food allergy.
If you cough every time you eat a certain food, there is a good chance that you have a minor allergy. Sometimes, people with food allergies also feel as if there is something caught in their throat causing it to feel itchy or irritated. It can even feel as if your tongue or throat is coated in a fuzzy sweater-like substance. These are telltale signs that your are allergic to something you ate.
The best way to deal with the situation is to stop eating and begin drinking a great deal of water. Sometimes a slight throat irritation can lead to swelling or even anaphylaxis if you continue to consume the substance you are allergic to and do not flush it out of you throat. As soon as you are able, get to an allergy specialist or urgent care clinic for further treatment and assistance.
Now that you know a few of the less common signs of an allergic reaction to food, you can watch out for situations where your reactions are more than just a fluke. Then, you can seek out a doctor for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.
To learn more, contact an allergy specialist like The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC.