
The Signs Parent Often Overlook That Indicate ADHD

If your child's teacher or care provider is telling you they believe your child has ADHD and you disagree, it may be worth getting an ADHD assessment. A lot of people get concerned and think this means their child is misbehaving or has a learning problem, but often there are symptoms you may not even realize are related.

Your child doesn't have to be bouncing off the walls to have ADHD. Here are a few signs that may indicate your child is dealing with the disorder.

Your Child Would Lose their Head if it Wasn't Attached

Do you get irritated because your child forgets all of their belongings, they forget what they are supposed to be doing, and why they went into their room for something? This could be because they are struggling to focus and their mind is wandering, not because they are just a little forgetful.

Your Child Can't Finish Work

If your child has no trouble starting a homework assignment, game or project, but their interest suddenly diminishes and you can't get them to finish anything, this could be a sign that they have ADHD. If they turn from interested and focused to anxious and loud, make sure to write that down for your appointment.

They Don't Watch Movies or Television

You may think it's great that your child doesn't want to sit in front of the television all day, but if they can't sit still long enough to watch a 30 minute television problem, they could have an attention problem. If they have no interest in movies or shows, and they can't sit through any type of movie or cartoon without bouncing around, fidgeting and getting other things to do, they could be dealing with ADHD.

The School Day is Too Long

Does your child's teacher say that in the morning or the beginning of activities they are ok, but by the end of the school day the child is totally unmanageable? Does the teacher say that after a certain time or point they can't get the child to cooperate at all? This could be because their attention span is up and the school day it too much for them with untreated ADHD.

If your child has any type of disability you want to catch it and get it under control before it starts to affect their academics and social life. There are many great ways to help channel your child's energy and prepare them for the day so they aren't struggling to deal with their symptoms. 

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