
3 Tips For Getting A 4D Ultrasound Of Your Baby

Getting a 4D ultrasound of your baby during pregnancy can be a lot of fun and can provide you with a visual image of your baby that is unlike any other type of ultrasound. However, in order to get the best results from this type of ultrasound, there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind. This article will discuss 3 tips for getting a 4D ultrasound of your baby. 

Wait Until You Are In Your Third Trimester

Because a 4D ultrasound is going to give you the best and most realistic picture of what your baby looks like, you are going to want to wait to get it until they have actually developed more of their features. Waiting until the third trimester to get a 4D ultrasound will ensure that your baby is developed, and looks more like a little human than he or she would have if you were only in the first or second trimester of your pregnancy. Seeing those images of your developed baby and determining if they look more like you or your spouse can be a lot of fun.

Schedule A Time When Your Baby Is Generally Active

If your baby is asleep during the ultrasound, there is a good possibility that you aren't going to be able to see all of the different images of your baby that you would like. This is because they may be in a hard to see location, and because they are asleep, they are not going to move for you. If your baby is awake and active, they are going to keep moving around, so the likelihood of seeing their face is going to increase. You can also drink a sugary juice before your 4D ultrasound because the sugar will likely cause your baby to wake up and move around more. 

Have It Done At A Medical Facility If At All Possible

While 4D ultrasounds are generally offered at special locations, such as malls and other businesses, it is likely going to be best for you to try to schedule your ultrasound at a medical facility. When you get an ultrasound at a medical facility, rather than some other location, you know that a professional ultrasound technician is performing your ultrasound, so you are going to be able to get the best care possible. They also will likely be able to get the best images of your baby because they have been trained and have extensive experience using an ultrasound machine. 

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