
Is Short Term Physical Rehabilitation Right For You?

Short term physical rehabilitation services provide recovering services for individuals of all ages. Short term physical rehabilitation is recommended for people recovering from surgery, illness, injury, or an accident. The services provide care for medical conditions that are expected to improve. The end goal of short term physical rehabilitation is to provide maximum functional capacity. Because rehabilitation professionals understand the need for individuals to return back to their normal lives, their families, and their work, the professionals will provide specialized care with a focus on returning patients home as soon as possible. 

Short term physical rehabilitation can last between a couple of days to a few months. Care is provided by a team of physicians, registered nurses, nutritionists, rehabilitation therapists, social workers, and case managers. Patients may receive physical, occupational, or speech therapy depending on their specific needs. 

Before commencing services, staff from short term physical rehabilitation services will meet with the patient to assess their condition and make a plan for customized individual care. Whether a person needs physical rehabilitation for injuries sustained in a car accident, or from suffering a stroke, care will be customized to each patient's need. The staff of short term physical rehabilitation services should take into consideration physician orders and implement them in their customized plan for the patient.   

Short term physical rehabilitation includes custodial care as well. As needed, patients are assisted with bathing, getting dressed, using the restroom, eating, and mobility. Patients' diets are modified according to their medical needs. Treatment plans will usually also include group activities if the patient is able to participate. 

Why are Short Term Rehabilitation Services Recommended?

The specialized care provided by short term rehabilitation speeds the patient's recovery period. In addition, it frees family members from the issues that can accompany taking care of a loved one, such as the need to take a leave of absence from work. In addition to the added emotional stress, family members are not trained to provide the well-rounded care that can be provided by professional rehabilitation services. 

Inpatient Verses Outpatient Short Term Rehabilitation Services

Short term rehabilitation services include inpatient and outpatient services. For inpatient services, the patients stay in a residential rehabilitation center for a temporary period while they recover. One of the major advantages of inpatient care is that patients are surrounded by a team of medical professionals in case an emergency arises. Inpatient services also save patients from the need to travel frequently to receive recovery services such as physical, occupational, or speech therapy. 

Outpatient services are provided at home, at assisted living communities, rehabilitation centers, or a skilled nursing center. Patients are not admitted into outpatient rehabilitation services but will instead either travel to the rehabilitation center or have a rehabilitation professional travel to their home. After receiving physical, occupational, or speech therapy, the patients do not have a medical team present 24/7 to assist with any issues. Patients also often need to continue therapy independently once a session has ended. 

If you are interested in short term physical rehabilitation services--inpatient or outpatient--please contact a center near you. 

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