
3 Frequently Asked Questions About Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the patient's large intestines. The physician uses a flexible tube, inserts it into the rectum, and directs it into the colon to assess it. The tube has a camera lens that the doctor uses to observe the large intestines and identify any pre-cancerous lesions. Unlike many people believe, the procedure is painless, and you may not feel the tube inside your body. Here are three frequently asked questions about colonoscopy.

Are There Compelling Symptoms of Colon Cancer?

Identifying colon cancer early is difficult because you may not have any symptoms. The best way to identify the disease is by scheduling a colonoscopy regularly. During a colonoscopy exam, the physician looks for polyps to determine if you have cancer. These polyps are cancerous growth that the doctor can easily remove to prevent colon cancer development. However, some of the most notable symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, and bleeding. The best solution is to schedule a colonoscopy exam to confirm cancer since these symptoms are similar to other diseases. It takes a while for someone to experience all the signs of colon cancer, so go for regular screening to ensure you get the treatment early.

Can Anyone Get Colon Cancer?

Yes, anyone can get colon cancer, but some people have a higher risk than others. First, older people have a higher risk of colon cancer than younger people. Thus, it is advisable to schedule regular colonoscopy tests as you age. Second, you have a high risk of colon cancer if some of your family members have also suffered from the disease. Other people with an increased risk of getting this disease include alcohol consumers, obesity patients, cigarette smokers, diabetes patients, and those with a sedentary lifestyle. Ultimately, colon cancer isn't gender-specific since both men and women can get it.

What Are Some of the Side effects of Having a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is safe, and you may not get any severe side effects. However, like other medical procedures, people react differently to various treatments, and you may get certain complications after a colonoscopy exam. These complications include fever, abdominal pains, chills, and rectal bleeding. You may also react to the sedative given during the colonoscopy examination. Contact your doctor immediately if you notice these side effects, especially rectal bleeding. The doctor will examine you again and stop the bleeding. They will also give you some medications to help you heal. Seek medical treatment early if you notice any side effects because you may have a serious problem. 

Click here for more info about colonoscopies.

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