
Can Counseling Help Cure Procrastination?

Everyone has done it at some point in their lives; put something off to do later that they should be doing at that moment. While procrastination is fairly normal behavior, it can quickly cause problems in people's lives if they are chronically delaying working on important projects and work. There are many ways to overcome a tendency to procrastinate and counseling is one option. Here are three ways it can help. Read More 

What If Your Daughter’s Periods Are Irregular?

Irregularities in the menstrual cycle are not uncommon among teenage girls. In most instances, there is no cause for concern. In others, there is a possibility that there is an underlying medical issue that should be addressed by an OB/GYN. If your teenage daughter has had irregular periods, here is what you need to know.   Is It Irregular? Before worrying about your daughter's periods, it is important to understand what constitutes an irregularity. Read More 

A Guide To Dental Implants For Your Aging Parents

Whether one or both of your parents have had dentures for years or their tooth loss has only occurred in recent years,  it is not unusual to assume that dentures are the only tooth replacement options. Fortunately, the technology associated with dental implants has significantly improved in recent years and it has allowed many older people to avoid the slippage, inconvenience and other challenges associated with dentures. When you want your parents to enjoy their golden years with as much comfort and ease as possible, it is a good idea to discuss the option of dental implants with them. Read More 

Heart-Healthy Recommendations For A Healthy And Enjoyable Holiday Gathering

If you have been diagnosed with heart disease or have been told that you have a high risk of developing heart disease, you likely know that there are several things you need to consider when it comes to dietary concerns. Perhaps you do well when you prepare your own meals, but you may find it difficult to dine out or have dinner with family and friends outside of your home. This can make it difficult to enjoy special occasions such as holiday dinners. Read More 

Making Changes To Help Your Heart: When You Have Symptoms Of Heart Failure

Even when you have moderate heart failure, you can make changes in your lifestyle that will improve your overall quality of life and slow down the progression of your heart failure. Symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath, a persistent cough or wheezing, swelling in the legs, or a high heart rate. A person suffering from heart failure may also feel light headed, be tired all of the time, and have difficulty eating because of nausea. Read More 

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